James Lileks continues to prove why he is one of the best phrasemakers writing in his latest screed.
You know, if every "Woman's Studies" department was closed, and the student loans were used to create businesses that hired women instead of studied them like tragic butterflies impaled on the patriarchal pin, we might be better off.
Give that man a MacArthur Grant!
But seriously, folks, I had pointed out a mention of Little Green Footballs in this bleat...
For approximately 10 hours, nearly every single fever-induced plotline, image, character and non sequitar was funneled through the metaphor of the Little Green Footballs webpage. That's what my poor overclocked brain used to sort and process all the gibberish. New plotlines were understood as new blog entries. There was also running plot about buying large chunks of space on LGF for $500, and whether the website could be used to smuggle antiquities. This went on, as I said, for ten hours.
Charles Johnson credited me with being the first to bring it to his attention and suddenly, my blog, which had been getting less than ten hits a day now has a burst in the triple digits. Well, now, as my cousin Danny noted, I have to update this sucker more often. Like daily.