Interesting Globe article about friction between the petro plutocracts who travel to Pakistan to hunt the houbara bustard
Brings to mind Wilde's quip about fox hunting, "The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable." Or considering how egregious both sides are, maybe Kissenger's quip on the Iran/Iraq war that it was a shame they could not both lose.
Anyhow, the oil barons seem to continue the Arab tradition of abusing hospitality and trying to take over for themselves. In Afghanistan, the Arabs of Al-Qaida treated the Taliban as second class terrorists. In Europe (Most of the article requires a subscription, but, according to Peretz, "In Belgium, they already want Arabic as a national language." And let's not forget the Israel.
The West is damned for its colonialism, imperialism and expansionism. But these days, they are not the most egregious practitioners of such sins.