Hall of fame coach Sid Gillman is dead, according to the NFL. He was a pioneering coach in both the AFL and the NFL. His San Diego Chargers won the AFL with a (pun intended) electrifying passing game.
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Hall of fame coach Sid Gillman is dead, according to the NFL. He was a pioneering coach in both the AFL and the NFL. His San Diego Chargers won the AFL with a (pun intended) electrifying passing game.
Posted by
James Wolf
1/03/2003 07:55:00 PM
Gonna go to Kaiju Big Battel tonight, with some friends. I'll try to write it up for Blogcritics. I wish you all a happy and healthy new year. Hopefully that bottle of 151 won't disappear like it has the last couple of years. (2 point ref)
Posted by
James Wolf
12/31/2002 01:39:00 PM
Charles Rangel (D-NY) the very liberal Harlem Congressman has been the first to bring up the D-word. Of course, being a liberal Democrat, cynical political calculus and not honorable strategic thinking is behind the pronouncement.
Some observers, including Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Jack H. Jacobs have warned our troops are being spread too thin. As Colonel Jacobs noted on
[O]ur military force is only a fraction of what we had a decade ago - and nothing near what is required to fight. We have only about a million men and women under arms in the entire active service, but we have commitments as geographically diverse as Bosnia, Korea, Iraq and homeland defense. With numbers like these, the United States will find it difficult to amass decisive and overwhelming military force to combat any but the least significant of threats, and we require all the technological edge we can get. We rely very heavily on National Guard and reserve augmentation of active units, but we have no system of National Service.
A draft will weaken and diminish the military, because anyone with the least amount of talent, skill or money will be able to legally dodge the draft, leaving only the worst this society has to offer to fill our ranks. Right now, we have the most powerful military force this world has ever seen and it's manned solely by volunteers. (Emphasis in the original) |
Posted by
James Wolf
12/31/2002 01:35:00 PM